“Yet, the best business model in the world is also the simplest: make stuff that’s insanely great.” – Umair Hague , Harvard Business Review

This is a wonderful quote, and so true! A lot has been written about Apple, and how all Apple products are insanely great. I’m a MAC girl, so I 100% agree… There is a lot to like – great packaging, beautiful product designs, ease of use, simplicity, clean and sleek designs, products that work… etc. etc. And then there’s Steve Jobs, and his insanely great presentations. He has passion. He loves his products, and it shows. He believes in his products, and it shows.

My companies – Wave Marketing and The Geekettes Club are insanely great due to: (tooting my own horn… so tune out if you want to!)

  1. My passion for both of my businesses. I love what I do. And I hope it shows.
  2. I am insanely anal about providing the best in customer service – and I really mean it ! I am a strong believer in transparency and authenticity, and I work hard to ensure I serve my clients with the utmost integrity and respect. I believe in delighting my clients.
  3. I will not provide a cookie cutter plan – my clients are all unique, and I treat them as such. I will partner with you and listen to your ideas and feedback. You know your customers best.
  4. I will not be lazy. I do not believe in cutting corners. I will research and study your industry, competitors 
and products to better understand your world. You are my partner. Your success is my success – and I really mean it!

Ok – so here is the big question: What makes YOUR company insanely great?

8 responses

  1. Wow – I love the passion, Sonya! Treat your business like art and you’re headed to Linchpin status! Purple Cow, Insanely Great, Raving Fans – all terms I link to people who love what they do and have something unique to offer. Run with it!!

    1. Thanks Terry. I love your mantra’s as well! I’m a huge Seth fan 😀

  2. 1. A keen desire to make a positive difference fopr the people with whom I deal.
    2.. A passion for creating great presentations that cause each individual in each audience, from 1 to 1,000,000, to hold their breath waiting to see what comes next. Give them what they need in a way that they can take home, but always, always leave them wanting more.
    3. A love of learning and exploring that provides new and fresh ideas, cutting edge solutions and crisp new ways of communicating and presenting ideas that I can then pass along to my clients. Eat like a bird…
    4. The energy to keep moving forward.
    5. And it doesn’t hurt to be just a tad insane….all great artists are!

    1. I love these Dennis! I can’t wait to hear one of your presentations that make me hold my breath! 😀

  3. Great post! We have the same values when it comes to business and to life. Must be why we have such great mutual respect and friendship! You go Girl!

    1. Thanks Leah – I’m not surprised we have the same belief systems either. D

  4. That’s a great question that every business/person should ask themselves. What makes you better than your competitors? What do you have to offer customers? What problems do you solve?

    For me I have a natural ability to streamline things. When I was younger it was called laziness but now it’s called efficiency 🙂 go figure!

    I know that by integrating technology into business practices I can help my clients regain lost time and be more efficient with their businesses.

    1. Jeremy – I love that your greatness is something that is so different from everything else I hear. Having the ability to streamline and help clients become more efficient is a great asset!

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